How to Clean our Make-up brushes at home!
Good afternoon beautiful ladies, this week in our blog is tips on how to clean our make up brushes at home:
Firstly "Happy monday"! Today is time to Rise & Shine, we have a powerful week ahead of you!
In our last class we spoke about how to clean our make-up brushes briefly, I recommended to purchase a brush cleaner or use home base soap. Below is a short list of house hold products that you can use to clean your brushes and keep them looking and feeling like new! The ones i've chosen are my favorite and the ones I find more gentle or safe to use. Ok ladies let's clean our brushes, we don't want any batteria up in there!

Select & Mix
1. Use dishwashing soap or babysoap (I personally prefer baby soap, is more gentle)
2. Olive oil
3. Rubbing Alcohol (optional) or distilled white vinegar
If you are using only soap and olive oil: just take a teaspoon of each and mix them together in a small plate. Rub them until they are soaked. Then wash off the brushes with cold water.
I found this blogger with similar idea and this is what she wrote:
This soapy, olive oil-y mixture works really well to clean any kind of brush from any makeup brand! I wash all of my brushes this way, it doesn’t matter if it’s a face or eye brush – it cleans them all! It also doesn’t matter where you purchased the brush- I use this mixture to clean all of my brushes, from Mac to Sigma to ELF.
Also, using this method, your brushes will not get misshapen or lose bristles! As your brushes dry, they will take their original shape- not the semi-deformed one that they temporarily have due to their wet bristles. And as long as you rinse your brushes really well under cold water and pat the handle dry before setting it down to dry, the bristles will not fall out!
My wonderful artists this blogger those not use alcohol, you have the choice to use or not to use it. I hope this serves you and saves you money, store cleaners can go from $5-$15 dollars.
I am on my way to cleaning all my brushes too! May you all have a great week and send me your questions or save them for class. See you all on saturday, God willing.
Love, Gina Tapia Founder & Creative Director KRES Etiquette & Style School