Coconut Oil and its many benefits

Good morning beauties!!! What a beautiful day it is in New York City. Today I want to share one of my ultimate beauty secrets with you all!!! Well if you want to call it a secret. The truth is that this is no secret to most of you...Recently I shared a post on the many different ways one can use Coconut oil to better your skin. Recently I had a small accident and I want to share it with you. On Saturday evening as I was making lunch for my family I accidentally dropped my glass containter into the pot containing hot boiling water. Water splashed and caught my right arm, I got burned. I reacted fast, ran into my bathroom and applied 100% Coconut oil into my skin. The amazing oil was absorbed by my skin in no time and as a result the skin healed beautifully. I currently just have two small red spots, I know it could've been worse had I not acted quickly. I hope this serves you as a motivation to start adding natural products into your skin routine if you have not done so already. I assure you that your skin will thank you for it. I want to thank you for your time and for reading this. Feel free to share this post. I look forward to hearing about your own personal stories on how coconut oil has helped your skin improve, and simply how you use this great product. Comment below!