From Our Desk, to yours... "A sneak peak of how it all started".

Hello everyone,
Many of you know that I am the founder and creative Director at KRES Etiquette & Style School. I founded KRES on October of 2014 with the vision of empowering women to be their best at their place of leadership through the art of etiquette & style.
Prior to the idea of starting my own business I had allowed fear to take over, had shut down and had build a wall to protect myself from getting hurt or being on the spot light. Being in a leadership position I knew I wanted and desperate needed to open up and give myself in a respectful and graceful way to those who looked up to me. I needed to embrace the leader in me. During that time I was a full-time employee for a respectful organization, a part time-time student, a community board member, a wife and a mom, I had a lot going on for me. I started feeling frustrated because I no longer had the enough time to do the things I loved. I was giving priority to the things that were no longer a passion nor where helping me grow. I took a deep breath and started to look deep into myself, that’s when I realized that I wasn’t alone in this and that many other people in leadership positions needed to hear their worth and that they could be empowered to stand up and be the best leader they could be, and that many like me needed to make some major changes that would involved making some very difficult and life changing decisions. I knew I needed to invest more in this idea, I knew I needed to find the right work-life balance.
One day I had a vision that I was crying on the floor behind a big stage, the lights were dim and I was desperate. I heard a deep voice calling me out and saying: Gina stand up, let me show you. I stood up, cleaned my tears and walked to the podium. He continued by telling me that I had a message to share, that many other people needed to hear what I had to say, and that many other were feeling the way I was. Shortly after that vision I never looked back… I took a leap of faith and started getting the vision on paper. Today the rest is history and history still being made…KRES was born.
This year 2015 has been like no other, I have been blessed with time to cuddle and tell my daughter how much I love her, everyday. My husband and I were blessed with the addition of our new member of our family, my baby boy Brayden. We have trusted the Lord for a year living on faith. KRES has been such a blessing to us, because I’ve been able to schedule classes and still be at home with my amazing kids and husband. I truly hope that we can be a blessing to you as well.
I invite you to come to one of our classes, I promise you will leave encouraged, and empowered. If you know someone that can be lifted-up by reading my story, please share it with them.
At KRES we provide styling services, etiquette services and make-up services. By learning how to create an essential and professional wardrobe, learning how to apply your make-up flawlessly, and by learning or by refreshing your etiquette skills you will lead with more confidence. We provide workshops on Etiquette including but not limited to Dinning Etiquette, Business etiquette, Style and Make-up.
Business is 90 percent of what we do in life. We are constantly doing business transactions whether these are for profit or not-for-profit, why not invest in your best product, which is you. Etiquette is the act of showing others respect. Let's begin this 2016 by doing so...
Please show us your support via social media. Your prayers and referrals are truly welcome as well.
Do you have a style, etiquette or make-up question? Send them in, and I will gladly answer them as soon as I possibly can. I also appreciate your encouraging messages, your feedback, and comments on our email.
Also show us your support by visiting us on our social media platforms shown below:
Instagram: as Gina Tapia Stylist
Twitter: Gina Vargas Tapia
YouTube Channel: KRES Etiquette and Style School
Facebook: KRES Etiquette & Style
Dear reader and friend, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time invested in reading this. I truly appreciate it. I look forward to helping you become a better, more polished and more empowered version of yourself.
Help us grow with you by sharing our story with others,
To an amazing, happy and powerful 2016, cheers;
With love,
Gina Vargas-Tapia
Founder and Creative Director
KRES Etiquette & Style, LLC
Open for Business Since 2014