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Identity: It's Who You are!

We live in a world where social media, people, situations, moods and emotions label us. Have you noticed? We are placed in categories and stamped with BIG BOLD RED INK. Most people spend numerous hours fantasizing about what they would look like or be like if they were what society calls “perfect”. They can feel trapped in a body that just doesn’t meet the standards of this world, at least that’s what I felt for years! Even after I let Jesus in my heart, I hid my insecurities and just wished I wasn’t so quirky, talkative or not thin enough. I could go on for days and bore you all with things I wished I wasn’t. I mean it was bad! But as I desperately sought to stop feeling like I was in a race headed no where, I looked for comfort in the Bible. I came across this verse several times, it is found in Génesis 1:27: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." God is perfect. Reading this made me understand that we can’t put just one face to God ( actually we can’t put a face to God at all ) What we can do though is to look and admire his creation, and that is looking at the mirror. We look like Him, because he made us ALL in his image.

Believe that you are who he says you are; belive that he created you for a great and divine purpose, because we look like him and we are like him. Do you find yourself wishing that you were different, and wishing all those traits could dissappear of your life? Let me remind you once again, these traits are yours to keep, they are part of your divien DNA. They are also part of your divine inherited DNA which were purposely POURED into you by your creator. So next time you find yourself fighting against these traits or personality, remind yourself that you have a creative, mighty and amazing Father. If you have thoughts of low self-esteem and want to change your physical appearance or personality, simply to be admired or accepted by our society, it can mean that you are lacking a dose of your Father's love; he made you beautiful, unique and strong. If this is you, it is time to start embracing the beauty and work of your Father. Once you accept this truth upon your life, you are no longer blind to the work of the potter, your creator, your GOD. You are his master piece. You are fearfully made. That’s who you are. Not the newest trends, not your circumstances, definitely not a number of followers on Instagram. That’s not who you are. You were created for much greater things. You are accepted by your beloved; you are His daughter, He is your King, Yes you! You reading this! You are ROYALTY. That is your IDENTITY. Walk in it and live in it. Embrace your identity.

Jelicsa R. Roche

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